Sunday, November 15, 2009

Camden's Eerste Schooldag!

Translation: Camden's first day of school!

Today we all attended Camden's first day at the Oranjeschool. Oranjeschool (Orange School) is, believe it or not, a Dutch saturday school on Mercer Island. Camden is enrolled in their speelgroup (play group) which is made up of 0-2 year olds, she is the youngest in her class but many of the kids started at the school around her age. The playgroup is for 1 1/2 hours every saturday, everything is all in Dutch, and the general agenda is:
  • Welcome
  • Sit in a circle and sing songs
  • Inside play time
  • Craft
  • Sit in a circle and read
  • Outdoor or gym play time
On top of it being Camden's first day of school, it was also a very special day in the Netherlands... the day Sinterklaas (Santa Claus' Dutch cousin) arrives from Spain on his steamboat with zwarte Pieten (black Piets) his helpers and Witte Schimmel (White fungus) his horse. Yes, seriously!! You can't make this stuff up!!!

To celebrate this special day at Oranjeschool all the songs, crafts, and books were all about Sinterklaas. Camden seemed to enjoy everything and took interest in all the activities and people around her!

Singing Songs in a Circle...

Niels and Camden making their Sinterklaas...

Camden waving an Orange flag!! Yes, SHE was actually holding it and waving it. Don't believe us? Check out the video!

p.s.  Take note of the Orange socks and onsie Camden was sporting.  (As well as the cool Hippo jacket Oma Anja brought Camden from South Africa).