Friday, February 12, 2010

And then there were two...

Toofers!  We discovered yesterday that Camden's lower-right front tooth is ALSO coming in! exciting times, but I think I am gonna really miss her gummy grin!

On another note, CC had her 6 month checkup yesterday and of course is doing great...  despite the tears from the 3 shots she enured.  She recovered quickly though, I think the shots hurt mommy and daddy more though than they do her.  Here were her stats:

Weight: 15lb 14 oz (7.2kg)
Head Circ: 42cm
Length: 27" (68.5cm)

Here are her growth charts for those that like to see her trends...  She is still right around the 50th percentile for both weight and head circumference; the doctor commented that she doesn't usually see such consistency in following the curve.  And for length she still trending very long and is still well above the 90th percentile.  When you put her heigth and weight together, she nearly falls off the chart below 10% - she is so long and only average on weight that I guess on average she is disproportional (She clearly has Niels' genes).