Sunday, October 17, 2010

Craven Pumpkins with the Pumpkin!

C.C. touches her first
Helen and Kathy
navigate the crowds 
Last year Camden was too small to really get into the Halloween spirit, but we plan on doin' it up right this year!  Today the Gannons, Watsons, and us all drove north to Snohomish to pluck pumpkins from the Craven Farms pumpkin patch.

Camden Lovin' the ride in her red
wagon with her new Pumpkin friend

Is this what pumpkins
are for?
Check these out!
C.C. thinks she
found a good one!

Daddy and his girl
strolling along
Camden loved the petting zoo,
especially the goats

The men-folk with
cargo in tow

Pickle & the Pumpkins
REAL cute pumpkin, REAL cheap!