Sunday, November 1, 2009
Spending Time with Uncles R2D2 & C3PO
Camden had one of the toughest days of her short 11 week long life today. She was in a real FUNK! Couldn't sleep, was fussing at EVERYTHING (even her best friends the boobs). In desperation we tried the old wives tale of putting the kid on the dryer and it worked like magic in SECONDS! The real secret we think was actually the Triple-Action Vibration... the dryer and the washer were both running AND we had her strapped down in a vibrating chair! We may have unlocked the magic combination for all future meltdowns! Figuring this out felt better than reaching a new level on Super Mario Brothers!
p.s. for all those concerned safety freaks out there... we had her strapped into the chair and the chair actually tied to the faucet on the wall :-) She wasn't going ANYWHERE besides off to dream land.